Discover our
Price per person per game
Before 18:00
7€per game
5,50€ per extra game
After 18:00
7,50€per game
6€ per extra game
Kids <12 yo
6,50€before 18:00
4,50€ per extra game
Kids <12 yo
7,50€After 18:00
6€ per extra game
Bowling shoes are free, but manditory!
Surprise your child at the Bowl Factory
Only bookings at the reception count

Wednesday at 14:00 (duration 2h30)
- 2 games
- Water jug/Grenadine
Please bring your own cake.
Saturday & Sunday

Sat. & Sun. at 10:30 (duration 2h30)
- 2 games
- Water jug/Grenadine
Please bring your own cake.